Good Detectives Pay Attention
Whenever planning a workshop, I find myself wishing that I could connect directly with the subconscious mind of the participants & simply enter the information & motivation they need to achieve, not only for themselves, but for their family & others that they mentor. Achievement in this area means "healthy life instead of chronic illness & possibly death". It's so important for me to do the best job that I can do for parent-mentors. Their children may not know it, but they are counting on me...... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Keys for managing sugar addiction, bingeing, disorderly eating, while building healthy lifestyle changes include:
Paying attention to details
Examining moments in transition
Designing and building new disciplines
Designing & building mind motivations.
This chapter of the book that the workshop is built upon is about paying attention to the many aspects of the food connection, while moving in the direction of change. It's not enough to know what to eat & what not to eat, for knowledge alone holds little motivation for the long- haul discipline needed to achieve permanent success.
Self-discipline walks hand in hand with inner motivation. By now the participants already have the coupling of these in their subconscious mind in the form of past successful experiences. They practiced this, with interactive self-hypnosis, in an earlier chapter. These tools are now becoming a part of their own subconscious mind library. They are now able to apply them to managing the different aspects of their bingeing, sugar addiction or other addictions. Soon, they will be able to mentor off of these, building new programs with inner creativity tools. Then they will be able to design goals, activate them, while continuing to mind- motivate in moments of transition. The book & workshop are providing knowledge, some new & some old, but perhaps only forgotten.
Just knowing something is not enough. The world is filled with people who know things, but don’t act. Knowledge must be contained & organized into a plan of action. Then the readers & participants must learn to step into the action on a regular basis.
Throughout this book & workshop, they are collecting knowledge hooks. They are learning to think of these as being similar to coat hooks. After locating or designing motivations, they will be asked to hang them on the knowledge hooks.
There are different kinds of motivations. Some will motivate them towards a positive or reward experience. Others will motivate them away from positive experience & towards negative ones. The levels of positive or negative motivation can be enhanced or diminished. These are interactive self-hypnotic tools that will allow themto take charge of their own mind programming. Both types of motivation can work well, but a balanced approach seems to work best in most people.
Perhaps the readers & participants have known about their binge behavior or sugar addiction for awhile, or maybe they just woke up to it. It’s possible that they didn’t know the relationship to other addictions or chronic disease.
Patients often tell me its like dream-walking their way up to a particular moment in time. As their eyes opened, they found themselves in the deep, dark place of bingeing or sugar addiction . This is just an illusion, for little happens over-night. More than likely their sugar addiction had been building for years. If they return to the assessment area in this book, I'm sure they can spot the beginnings of food issues in their own lives.
Help them to remember, knowledge is king. The more you collect, the easier it will be to see even beyond what they can see now. This will allow them to travel further towards high level health &o ptimum performance.
Students often ask if it possible to be born with a sugar-addiction? They remember their parents telling how cranky they were, & the only way to stop the crying was to give them a bottle of condensed milk that was watered down. Of course that is much sweeter than regular milk.
It certainly is possible for a very young child to crave sugar, especially if the family medical history is positive for the diseases & addictions that were mentioned earlier. This is seen in crack babies born to addicted mothers. However, certain babies do need a different type of formula & unfortunately most physicians, in the past, weren’t aware of how to solve these problems. But while the past is useful as a bank of information, we are now living in the present. Our responsibility is to self-manage from where we are now.
In this program they will be working with tools of regression & future pacing. Remind them that the book they are using is written with specialized imagery woven through the fabric of the pages allowing them to go back in time & also forward. If they are unfamiliar with medical hypnosis, or the practice of active imagery, this will be a good place to share some things with them.
For thousands of years the unique powers of these mind & body tools have been well known, but unfortunately found themselves tucked away on a back shelf, out of reach of those who would benefit from them. In this experiential book & workshop they are invited to reclaim these tools, dust them off & learn to apply them through different areas of their lives. Remind them that they already have an advanced tool of mine, called interactive self-hypnosis. This type of self-hypnosis allows them to communicate directly with the library of their mind in any moment that ticks on their watch.
Your subconscious , or creative mind loves to learn through stories and metaphors. Whether you are reading this book to stop bingeing, to manage sugar addiction, disorderly eating, chronic disease, or simply to enhance your lifestyle, these images will glue themselves to your specific goals or desires. There is no need to effort, for this is the gift of active imagery.
When working with lifestyle change, it helps to have some inner organization. Participants & readers will also want to use self-hypnotic organization with other large projects.
I like the metaphor of containments. These are simply "mind containers".
Just for a moment image a table with many containers. Locate the labels. Each time I ask you to build a containment for some knowledge, you will mentally come to this table, choose a container and label it. Each and every time you work with this particular area of knowledge, you will take the container off the shelf, and work with it in some self-hypnotic way.
When something is contained it is easier to manage, as it no longer sits out in the confusion of the world. You mind and body will not only see it as less stressful, but will find it much easier to send you free floating thoughts or suggestions relating to it.
Now it's time to begin collecting knowledge, locating the hooks and hanging up some motivational mind programs. Then you can place these in labeled containers in the library of your mind.
Let's begin with imaging a baseball diamond, a great organizational metaphor for the problems we are focusing on in this book. In fact, you may remember working with this very image earlier in the book. This metaphor works for many different kinds of goals. Remember, you are always the batter. Most of us know there are four bases. In the baseball game of life, first base is the food connection and it is here that you will collect very important knowledge. You will then find out how to apply your motivation to the knowledge.
First off the bat, few people think about what they eat and drink in relation to the needs of their body. Even fewer think about what they put in their mouths in relation to their family and personal medical history. In most people’s minds, it is like these things have no relation to each other. It is actually uncommon for someone to build a connection between what is eaten and the function of the mind or body.
It helps us to think in imagery. We were all born with genetic wallpaper that comes with designs from parents, grandparents, great-grandparents & so on. Some of us were born with a tendency towards certain diseases such as heart, diabetes, circulatory diseases & certain cancers. This tendency towards is a biochemical factor that can cause you to either over-produce a hormone called insulin or to develop a resistance to it. Readers & participants visited this knowledge earlier in the book & workshop.
They also learned that through the years they might have developed some of the risk factors such as high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, obesity or yo-yo weight gain patterns. Perhaps you added a history of smoking, alcohol or drug addiction. How they managed stress over the years also is an important consideration when evaluating where they are in relation to where they want to go & how their food connection hooks up. Now that they know this, it is a good time to work with the knowledge. If not, it will have the tendency to go out with the tide.
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