Focus & Energy
Think....My success is the result of my well-focused and pin-point directed energy. I actively gather in my resources. I actively marshal all my energy, while working to build more. I am single-minded and drive for the things I 've decided upon... Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
The above cluster of affirmations is perfect choice for for Friday. When I leave my office for the weekend and head out into my more unstructured time, I like my subconscious mind to mull over some powerful suggestions. A break in structured routine is the perfect medium for creativity. This is why we often get eureka or break-through ideas when on vacation.
While I'm out my usual work structure, my creative mind is available for organization and the reinforcement of my already planted goals. Weekends are perfect times for seeing and sensing the facets of my life more clearly. Since the above suggestions have already been planted, my subconscious mind can show me new order and opportunities.
I mentioned bundling affirmations in an earlier post. I do this quite often because the intensify and clarify my message to my subconscious mind librarian. In other words, this is what I want and this is what I need. Here we are going to direct the subconscious mind and body physiology out of stress and disorder and into high level focus and energy.
As I design and record my CD's, mp3's and books, I like to plant active affirmations. Readers are often surprised as to how easy it is to change the mind programs in this way. In a way, it's much more like play than work.
If you haven't experienced this before, here are few complimentary mp3 downloads. Each is a full interactive self-hypnosis session & part of a complete 2-3 track series. Each are filled with active imagery & affirmations.
Self-Image Affirmations
Making Changes - Affirmations & Imagery
Blending Work & Personal Goals
We always begin by reading the affirmational cluster out loud or slowly to ourselves. There are at least five solid suggestions in the following cluster, so be sure to pay attention to all of them. This is not the time to speed read. Truly listen to what you are saying to yourself.
My success is the result of my well-focused and pin-point directed energy. I actively gather in my resources. I actively marshall all my energy, while working to build more. I am singe-minded and drive for the things I 've decided upon...
Relax deeply and perform the exercises to bring you into a light trance. If you don't know how to do this, check out the archives at the bottom of this entry. If you have been practicing, you are finding it much easier to relax deeply, even if there are distractions around you. I always suggest that my clients or readers learn to work with distractions.
It's indeed possible to practice self-hypnosis while fully awake and even in the presence of others who might be talking to you. This is a common practice in sports hypnosis. In this instance the athlete might be performing his sport in competition, while at the same moment directing his subconscious mind towards what he wants, as if he has already achieved it.
When you are ready, locate your mind-screen. Place the following words there. My success is the result of my well-focused and pin-point directed energy. I'd like you to ask your subconscious mind to develop an image representing the first affirmation in the cluster. Now enter the image. Go right into the mind-screen and participate directly with the image. Take the words and put them in order on the side of the image. And when you are ready, step out of the mind-screen.
Breathe deeply and clear the mind screen. Place the following affirmation, I actively gather in my resources. Once again, ask your subconscious mind to deliver an image representing the gathering of your resources. Pay close attention to what is presented to you. If you have difficulty with visualization, simply listen to your ideas or thoughts. These are gifts from your own creative mind. If this process is difficult for you, just be patient. Relax deeply again. Your mind will not disappoint you. While you may not get the images or suggestions in this very moment, they will come.
Relax deeply and bring forth the mind screen. Notice that the first two parts of the affirmational bundle are present in the scene. Now, call forth your subconscious mind librarian and hand him/her the following suggestion, I actively marshall all my energy, while working to build more. Notice that new, active images are already in place, even before the words are out of your mouth. Enter the mind-screen, walk around and closely admire what you have already planted. Participate with what is presented to you.
Notice your librarian is asking you what you have in your pocket. Take this out. I am singe-minded and drive for the things I 've decided upon... You are now being lead over to the images representing this suggestion/desire. Allow desire to flow into your body, feeling a sense of gratitude for the power you have been given.
If you enjoy working in this particular area, you might like to order any of the affirmation or hypnosis workshop CD's or mp3's.
If you are interested in reading the archives from this blog, you can find them at the following link...