
You are invited to read excerpts from the upcoming book, thoughtWARE by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht, Program Designer for Sarasota Medical & Sports Hypnosis & Joseph Bohorquez, M.D. The book is a composite of powerful Interactive Self-Hypnosis Imagery & Imaginology designed for Optimum Health & Performance

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Art of Progressing


For those who have requested is a book clip from thoughtWARE...101 "Inner Mind" Programs for Healthy Weight Loss & Management

If you are new to hypnosis, do know that anyone can work hypnotically. In actual fact, we tend to be in self-imposed hypnosis all day long. In therapeutic hypnosis, we work to de-hypnotize ourselves and then transcend into the mind-state and image of what we want, instead of what we don't want. If you haven't experienced this before, here are few complimentary mp3 downloads. Each is a full interactive self-hypnosis session & part of a complete 2-3 track series. Each are filled with active imagery & affirmations.
Self-Image Affirmations
Making Changes - Affirmations & Imagery
Blending Work & Personal Goals

Progress begins one step at a time, each step being motivated by the step before it & then motivating the step behind it… Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht

When learning to manage weight, either for loss or maintenance, the very first step is spend sufficient time in fully understanding & believing in the specific eating discipline you have decided to follow. This means going beyond just reading a book or following someone else's lead. Keep in mind that everyone is different & comes to their current moment of awakening from a different family & personal medical history & from different life experiences.

Along the way we have developed both talents & negative programs. We all have specific strengths & weaknesses, as well as beliefs about ourselves. And so, we live in a completely different world from our office mates & even from our family members. While it may appear that we are much the same, this is only a surface view & a far cry from what is our true nature & reality. Of course we can listen & learn from others, but it is important to learn to trust one's own intuition & inner guidance system.

It's simply not enough to know that you must lose weight or even to want to lose weight. You must truly believe this in the core of your being. It's important to know that one's convictions & hot desire to achieve is the primary inner motivator that takes one through any & all obstacles go hand in hand. Without deep belief & hot desire in place, the self is easily persuaded to wander off track & to look elsewhere.....window shopping in the world of weight loss & management, like roaming the mall of life.

This is twirling behavior & it is easily observed in our culture. Twirling is a compulsive behavior & is actually part of disordered eating. Twirlers move from one program to another, looking for the problems to be solved easily & outwardly. There is usually lack of total engagement, often right from the beginning & excuses are easy to come by. The time spent in the new program closely follows those of the past. Some twirlers simply purchase the program & never engage at all, as if the program was going to do something all by itself to bring forth the needed change.

I find twirlers in my private hypnosis practice. They present themselves by resisting to take part in the process. They believe that all they have to do is to close their eyes & go to sleep. All changes will be in place as they open their eyes. Wow ! Now while that might sound good, it truly isn't good at all for all disordered eaters have underlying issues that are best brought forward & self-managed. This is the self-esteem connection & the actual eating issues become catalysts for major change in all areas. Think about what would be missed if I were a hypnotic magician?

Once you have planted your beliefs & convictions, it's time to get on with the specifics of your eating discipline program. I suggest that you read & underline all pertinent information in whatever material you are utilizing & then work it into a very specific plan before beginning to weave it into the fabric of your life.

Be simplistic here. Write it down. Know exactly what you will be eating & when you will be eating it. Also be clear about what you will not be doing. This is the time to get very specific, but do stick to the bigger problematic issues. If night eating is big for you, be sure to address it, but if it only happens occasionally, let it go for now. Even if you fall into that hole, you'll still be right with the major parts of your program.

Now you are ready to begin some etching. It's quite easy to do this. Take some time for yourself, making certain you will not be interrupted.

Have your writing work on your lap. Relax deeply & enjoy just be still, both inside & out. Now close your eyes gently & tilt them up about twenty degrees. Right in front of you is your programming mind screen. Just as if you were playing a movie, take yourself slowly through your day as you observe yourself implement the changes that you have outlined.

The programming mind screen enables you to see, hear & feel the scenes as they play out. Practice noticing what it's like as you wake up in the morning & review your day with the new changes. Keep an eye out for any resistance or inner child negative thought remarks. Don't turn your back on these! These are gifts from your subconscious mind who is showing you clear obstructions that need to be tamed & re-programmed.

Take your time as you explore your new changes in different scenes....... the more you review, the better your mind programs will be etched.

Image yourself as the writer, director, producer of this "day in your life" program. Design it as you want it to be & energize it with hot desire. Truly see it & sense it. A good way to do this is to pretend that you are telling someone about this great moment in time. Tell your story with great enthusiasm & excitement. This is true inner motivation & very powerful. As you become better at defining your inner thoughts & pictures, you will be able to greatly enhance the levels of your beliefs & plug into high energy..

Next, write down exactly what you have to do to activate your new plan & when you will do these. Confirm a date for the launching. You are now ready to plant both the program & the detailed planning very deeply into the subconscious mind. The goal is to etch it very deeply into the inner library, so it will play on cue like a powerful inner CD.

As before, take quiet time for yourself & have your written work on your lap. Breathe deeply & allow your body to sink into the chair where you are resting & bring the mind screen into place behind your closed & slightly tilted eyelids. Actively image yourself experiencing the plans AS IF they had been in place for a good period of time.

In other words, they are not imaged as being awkwardly new, with rough spots . Instead, they are an already formed, smooth pattern. This is not to say that you will not notice resistance, because you might. Once again, these are gifts & so go ahead as the writer, director & producer & work out the kinks here.

Take yourself through the variety of plans even if they involve activities that occur on different days such as shopping, picking up the kids, bridge games, etc. These are all part of the major plan for long term success.

It's not uncommon for many people to miss these first steps & by doing so to set themselves up for failure either right in the beginning or somewhere down the road. When you know what needs to be done & you can examine it subconsciously, the answers will present themselves to you. There is little, if any struggle.

Remember that even when following one of the popular weight loss programs, it's simply not enough to read the book. Books are filled with details that need to be implemented over a long period of time. These details need to be introduced & then organized into the current "programmed" lifestyle. Old habits & behaviors may need to be revised or even deleted.

Keep in mind that some of the changes will effect other family members, some in ways that aren't even clear because they are harbored down in the subconscious mind. So it truly helpful to work out some of these snags before they occur. This will allow for smoother transitions & hopefully avoid triggering other snags. Good etching provides the gateway to long term success.

The reasons for this are many. For a start, human beings tend to gravitate towards immediate gratification, and of course in weight loss this is not only unrealistic, but is an unhealthy goal to be planting. Remember, we are planting goals in our subconscious mind continuously. Each thought constitutes an inner goal program.

As we learn to look at these thought goals more frequently in our practice of Awareness Meditation and Thought Management, we can see how we actually work against ourselves in so many moments. An interesting exercise is to observe your free-flowing thoughts for five minutes or so. For each thought that is helpful or skillful to your weight management program, tap your right knee. For each thought that is unhelpful or unskillful, tap your left knee. This simple awareness practice wakes us up to how we are utilizing the power of our mind in relation to this particular goal area.

We know from our earlier work in this book that everything is useful to us. This holds true with each and every thought that scurries through the mind vault. Our job is to observe or catch the thoughts. Once caught, just like a fish, they are ours to prepare in whatever way we choose.

In active, or awake Interactive Self-Hypnosis we have many options. Unskillful, or negative thoughts can be particularly useful. They hold lots of information that can help us on our journey. It is all there for the asking. I like to work with mine just as soon as I spot them if at all possible. If not, I like to make a note in my daytimer

Into the Mind's Eye


For those who have requested is a book clip from thoughtWARE - 101 Inner Mind Programs for Designing, Planning & Reaching Your Goals

If you are new to hypnosis, do know that anyone can work hypnotically. In actual fact, we tend to be in self-imposed hypnosis all day long. In therapeutic hypnosis, we work to de-hypnotize ourselves and then transcend into the mind-state and image of what we want, instead of what we don't want. If you haven't experienced this before, here are few complimentary mp3 downloads. Each is a full interactive self-hypnosis session & part of a complete 2-3 track series. Each are filled with active imagery & affirmations.
Self-Image Affirmations
Making Changes - Affirmations & Imagery
Blending Work & Personal Goals

Book Clip - The Art of Goal Choosing

No doubt about it.... the world is filled with choices & limitless possibilities for goal achievement in all areas of life. Most of us, however, live in the land of self-limitation & lack. Because we spend our day on auto-pilot, we rarely do more than mentally window shop & simply wish we could have this or that. In addition, the combination of stress chemical production & poor inner organization keeps us treading water, instead of swimming forward.

ThoughtWare will help you move in the direction of high level goal performance. Along the path you will be placing original inner mind programs that will keep you moving up the creative ladder.

Achieving goals is not an accident or a matter of luck. It is a matter of knowing what to do & then doing it. This first chapter will help you dissect & examine goal choices. This powerful tool will set the stage for your journey of high level achievement. You can apply these techniques to all areas of your life including your work, as well as your own self-development & self-care.

Mindful Stepping Stones...

Choose Well ! You have many choices & opportunities in all areas of your life. Engage in limitless wishing. Pretend you have a genie in a bottle who is willing to give you whatever you want. Spend some time thinking about what you really do want. Take time with this exercise. Most of us tend to be "goal-less" & spin our wheels unproductively for most of our hours. It is time to break this habit. In addition, many of us choose things we don't really want & so we set the scene for failure even before beginning.

Choose one, or at the most two goals in each area ! Most goals at the top our lists are old goals. Some have been difficult for us in the past & often have "failure-codes" assigned to them . Set yourself up for success by not over-burdening yourself with too many goals in each area. Certainly don't back away from these previous goals, but keep in mind that your work will include diminishing those "failure-codes" & replacing them with new success images. This is time consuming work, but as you practice more & more assistance will be given by the subconscious mind. Do make certain, however, to have goals in each area of your life. Goals keep us on track & moving forward. Each area will energize the other areas.

Try the goal on for size ! When choosing goals it is a good idea to work subconsciously. This is quite easy & most of us are pretty good at doing this already. In the beginning it is best to do this work alone & with quiet. Turn off the phones, radio, TV & ask not to be disturbed for a bit. Once you gain experience with these skills, you can utilize them any time and at any place. Once you've secured your quiet, allow your body to become deeply relaxed & heavy in the chair. Now tilt your eyes up about twenty degrees just as if you were sitting in the second row of a movie theater. On the screen place one of your possible goals. See yourself AS IF it were already in your possession. Observe it for a bit from all angles & make certain this is what you really want.
Evaluate other choices ! Try on some of the other goal possibilities. Sometimes we find that we want one of these more than the other that came up first. Allow yourself to explore the goal details. See yourself in all possible scenarios, acting AS IF the goal were already in hand.

Time for some questions. What does the goal offer you? What does the goal take away? How do the parts of you feel about this? All of this is very important information offered by your subconscious mind. You will be utilizing it later in your goal work. Go ahead and take a goal that IS NOT ON YOUR LIST. Try this on for size. What does it feel like to have this goal? This powerful exercise allows you to set up a goal continuum, experiencing both ends.

Do it for you ! Remember, this is your goal. This is something you are doing for yourself, even though others may benefit from it. This is especially important when designing work related or relationship- related goals. Back to the theater in your mind. Observe the goal playing out with this current theme. How would you rate it on the "for you scale?" If the scale comes up with low numbers, call over the subconscious librarian & ask for suggestions about enhancing it "for you." Those suggestions will either come in the moment, or a bit later. When they come, be certain to try them on, noticing if they enhance the goal value for you. The subconscious mind works in what may be considered "strange ways", but do know that every suggestion has value.

Gain cooperation of others beforehand ! If your goal will affect the lives of others, check if changes need to be made, or their cooperation gleaned in some way. For instance, if you want to join a health club & the money needs to be taken from other family activities, discuss this ahead of time with those involved. You might take a visit to the theater of the mind beforehand & see the cooperation that you want AS IF you already had it. You might notice that you are "handing out refreshments' to the others. The subconscious librarian will assist you in locating these "refreshments." As you share with others you will find they will often share with you in return. Working with positive imagery is a very valuable tool & helps us to move past roadblocks with less effort than before.

Image the goal in doable steps ! In hypnosis we always see the goal AS IF we already have it, but this does not mean that we don't observe the steps leading to the goal. As we see these steps, we can utilize the subconscious mind in a variety of ways to help us move along with less effort.

I like to work with the theater as well as with a journal exercise for this. Go back to the theater and see your goal as completed. Open your eyes & spend some time detailing the goal on paper. Be as specific as you can, as if you were describing it to someone else. Now, back to the theater, notice the steps leading up to the achieved goal & the time-frames attached. Open your eyes & draw the steps on your paper, of course including the times or deadlines for achieving each one. If you do not know, make an educated guess. You can always perfect this later on. Remember all of our goal work is work in progress. Your levels of success will be enhanced as you work with the theater & the pen.

Do a self-check ! Once again, back to the theater. It is time to meet with all parts of yourself. If there is any inner-self opposition to your goal choice, it is best to clarify it early on in the planning stages & work to diminish any large negativity. Even small ones can be enough to take away from effortless success, so awareness is key. For example, if you really want to quit smoking for your health, make certain the part of you that enjoys smoking socially is willing to support the project. If not, you can learn techniques to bring this into a better self-balance, thereby enhancing your chances of success.

Experiential Self - Development

1.Divide your life into separate areas. With this list in hand which areas could benefit from some goal revision?

2.Choose any goal to work the steps above. How did you go about choosing this goal?

3.What is another goal that competed with this one? What criteria did you utilize to differentiate the winning goal?

4.How do you motivate yourself to achieve goals? What could you enhance?

5.How do you view failure in yourself? How about in others? What would you change in your own self-development to make this area work better for you & your outcomes?

Positive Goal Lighting

For those who have requested is a book clip from thoughtWARE - 101 Inner Mind Programs for Designing, Planning & Reaching Your Goals

If you are new to hypnosis, do know that anyone can work hypnotically. In actual fact, we tend to be in self-imposed hypnosis all day long. In therapeutic hypnosis, we work to de-hypnotize ourselves and then transcend into the mind-state and image of what we want, instead of what we don't want. If you haven't experienced this before, here are few complimentary mp3 downloads. Each is a full interactive self-hypnosis session & part of a complete 2-3 track series. Each are filled with active imagery & affirmations.
Self-Image Affirmations
Making Changes - Affirmations & Imagery
Blending Work & Personal Goals

Book Clip - Positive Goal Lighting

This is all inner mind or self-hypnotic work. We will continue right along in our work of goal definition. Most of us have only minimal ideas of what our perceived goals look like & unfortunately the subconscious mind needs these definitions to bring in the ideal goal state.

The mind works backwards. Once it sees the ideal completed image, it will go ahead & lay the ground-work. You will notice a big difference as you begin to apply these tools. The steps to your goals will seem to appear by themselves, as if the goal has taken on it's own life & in a way it has done so.

No matter what area of your life you are working on, the steps remain the same. I find it beneficial to work with both pen & inner theater. If you have not read the first part of this series, you might want to do so. This series of articles will help you move in the direction of high level goal performance. Achieving goals is not an accident or a matter of luck. It is a matter of knowing what to do & then doing it.

See the goal completed in your mind's eye ! Return to the inner theater & observe the goal on the stage just as if you were watching the performance. This is called detachment & allows us to move past old obstacles that have been disallowing us to see our goal in all it's glory. You might even choose to go up on the theater stage & look closer.

I like to image myself as the writer/director/producer of the goal performance. I may even place myself right into the image of the person playing me in the goal. This allows me to really experience what this is all about. More about that later. For now, let's focus on getting all the details in the mind's eye & then on paper. I suggest you work daily on your goal description, just as if you were a painter going back & enhancing your work. Never mind the excuse that you don't have time for all of this. The best time managers are those that spend good planning time. There is nothing more time-efficient than good sound planning!

List the benefits in achieving your goal ! While this seems quite simple, most people shy away from this important part of goal setting & while they may pull up one or perhaps two benefits, these are usually very general & not goal specific. The subconscious mind has difficulty working with non-specific images.

For instance the goal to "be happy" is far too general. What does "be happy" look like? "Happy in relation to what?" I'm sure you get the point. The same holds true for financial goals. "Financially sound or prosperous" means little to the subconscious mind. See yourself with the benefits in hand. Place them on the stage of the theater & get involved with them first hand. Get in that new car, or try on that new silk suit. Feel how comfortable it is on your new, slim body. Feel that bonus check in your hands & observe how your boss' hand feels as he/she shakes yours.

Litmus test the positives ! Make sure you are imaging "your positives" & not those of someone else. In order to stay motivated for change, we must have enough self-positives or reasons for wanting to succeed. For most of us, we just haven't taken the time to do this part of the work. Our thought processes often block us from self-examination. We tend to have run-away-brain-syndrome with the thoughts streaming through at record speed. It is important to work on slowing the thoughts & this is achieved with specific meditative tools such as focus, flexibility, emotional management & other forms of awareness meditation. For now, simply go back to the inner theater & ask the subconscious librarian to SHOW YOU the benefits for you in relation to this goal. You might also pull out that pen of yours & start listing these. Later you can go back & fill in the details.

See the big picture completed ! Write a paragraph or two about how it will be to have achieved your goal. See the change or goal as a journey, not just an event. See how it touches other parts of your life. This is the big picture. Now walk down your future path & observe how the past goal has impacted these times of your life. For example, notice how you have stopped smoking & now go down the future path observing the impact of this lifestyle change. You might want to try just the opposite. See yourself continuing to smoke & now make that journey. Big difference! Be sure to stop in at other areas of your life as well in relation to both sides of this coin. The big picture will change in all areas ! No doubt about it !

See or inwardly "know"the little steps as exciting ! Learn to enhance these powerful emotional states. For example, if one of your goals is to improve your nutrition, each time you visit the supermarket, see yourself as doing something very important in relation to your goal & enhance your enthusiasm for each & every forward movement.

Many of us save "exciting" as if we were going to run out of this powerful emotion. The more you utilize it, the more you will have. Your subconscious mind is a servo-mechanism, much like radar. Whatever you play out in your mind & body, the more you get. Positive excitement over small accomplishments is a very powerful motivator & will speed you along your path to success.

Connect the goal to other positive changes ! Notice how the goal is interconnected with other benefits. For example, as your body burns fat, your concentration increases. This is a fact. Your ability to think in this way will add to your inner motivation, making the goal easier to achieve. Suppose your goal is to develop a new work project. See the positive outcomes connected to your relationships, your home & even your self-image. It is a great idea to ask your subconscious mind to show you more of this. To do so, simply go to the theater your mind & make your requests. You will begin to see the connected goals presenting themselves.

Practice positive Imagery ! Spend some time in positive visualization each day, seeing your goals & changes coming to life. Your imagination is a valuable tool & gets better with use. It only takes a moment to get to the inner theater or workshop. You can travel there on the back of any thought process that you find in your mind. Simply catch it & relax deeply. Tilt your eyes up just about twenty degrees & there you are. This is called "interactive self-hypnosis" & was designed by the author of this article.

Start a positive imagery journal ! Whenever you add more senses to your goal development & goal definition the better. A good project is to collect pictures from magazines, etc. & make a positive goal collage. Allow this to be a growing project. Notice how more & more images come to your attention as you work in this way. This is an example of your subconscious mind bringing goal related things to your attention. Your subconscious librarian is working as your personal assistant, taking you closer to your goal in each moment.

Begin to see the goal as a "living thing" ! Develop a personal relationship with the goal & allow it to help move you past roadblocks. Ask it's advice. This is best done in the theater of the mind. Hold meetings with the goal & utilize your pen & paper in this exercise. This type of writing & working is right brain work. This is the way we communicate with the subconscious mind & get its help at very high levels.

Experiential Self - Development

1.What are some of the things you learned from the above article that will help you in your personal life goals?

2. What are some things you learned that will help you in the development of your work-related goals?

3. Have you noticed any changes in other areas of your life as you apply these tools to your current goals?

4. What positive changes would like to achieve that are not a part of your current goal work? How would you connect the current goal benefits to these changes?

5. Find a magazine that you don't usually read. As you look through it, notice where your attention goes. Now connect these "sightings" to your current goals. If possible, cut out phrases, or pictures that you noticed & place them in your collage. These are subconscious mind gifts & will benefit you in many different ways.

Becoming Unstuck

For those who have requested is a book clip from thoughtWARE - 101 Inner Mind Programs for Designing, Planning & Reaching Your Goals

Book Clip - Becoming Un-stuck...

We are now ready to begin to implement the actual goals. While we continually work in the planning laboratory of the mind, there is the moment when we step out & begin to take the ideas forward. Many people tend to stay in the laboratory, being locked up by fear of failure & also fear of success. What will happen if this all falls apart? What will people think? What will happen if I succeed? What will people think?

When we practice Awareness Meditation & Interactive Self-Hypnosis we are better able to see the emotions in action. I call these emotional states the Outer Children. It is our job to practice self-discipline & mental strengthening, passing on these lessons to our Outer Children. In other words, helping ourselves to mature.

No matter what area of your life you are working on, the goal steps remain the same. I find it beneficial to work with both pen & inner theater. This series of articles will help you move in the direction of high level goal performance. Achieving goals is not an accident or a matter of luck. It is a matter of knowing what to do & then doing it. So lets get into the action!

Do your planning in writing. It is easier to achieve a goal committed to paper. What you write on the paper is very important. Just the name of the goal such as "weight loss" will not do it. Be very specific about the details of the goal & always describe it as completed. As you continue to work on this written description, the resolution will become clearer & clearer. What happens if you can't describe the goal or if you can't see it clearly? This is a rather common happening & it is just a matter of brain-blocking or a form of performance pressure. Should this happen it is very important not to back away from the project at hand.

First take some time to relax deeply in a quiet spot. Have your journal & pen on the table in front of you. Have your work area free of clutter. Once your body & mind have relaxed, open your journal & draw a rectangle. This represents the "picture" of your completed goal. Now, just as if you could see the picture, go ahead & begin describing it. If you get stuck again, simply make it up.

Decide how you will achieve this goal. Once again, commit this to writing. If you find this difficult & cannot think clearly, take some time as before & relax deeply. In the theater of your mind see yourself doing this task easily & completely. Suppose you don't know how you will achieve this goal? This is an opportunity to go deeper into the workshop or theater of the mind & call forth your inner librarian or assistants.

Take a moment to notice how your assistants look, how they are dressed, etc. Next, have them sit with you with the picture of your goal in front of them. Ask them how they will help you to achieve the goal. What will they do? This kind of imagery moves us past mind-blocking. This type of blocking is similar to writers block or any other type of performance anxiety. The combination of deep relaxation & specially designed imagery will not only move you through the block, but will open the door to the subconscious creativity center.

Set action steps. Once the mind knows the basic over-view of how you will achieve the goal, more information is required. This work must be broken down into smaller action steps. The mind will help you do this. I like to do all this work in active self-hypnosis with my inner librarian or assistants. When holding this sort of "inner meeting" request that the steps be simple & small.

Think what you will do first, second, third & so on. Make the list as long as necessary. Do not back away from long lists. Think in details. Most stalling in relation to lists happens because the details are not clearly expressed. Remember this is a working list & for your eyes only. Action is the key to starting the engine of procrastination. & action must be defined in very small incremental steps.

Set dates on your action steps. While we utilize hypnosis for change, we do need other tools. I suggest a daily planner or calendar, as well as a goal folder with a grass-catcher list. Take all the written action steps & place them in your calendar or grass-catcher list. Number them. Remember to be honest to yourself & realistic. Look at the goal as a work project, even if it isn't related to work. We all know how to plan & set deadlines. Place a deadline date next to each & every action step. This part of the work is somewhat time consuming, however you will get all of this time back & more once you start the engine of the goal.

Make your goal action steps a priority. Low priority activities do not get done, nor do they build self-esteem. Label your goal in your mind's eye as absolutely high-priority business. It is indeed possible to work on many goals at the same time when you are organized both inner & outer. To succeed you must commit to the planning & to the prioritization of the action steps with their deadlines. You must get serious about succeeding. In the past you may have fell prey to procrastination & mind wandering. This is a lack of self-discipline, thought & emotional management. This type of outcome destroys self-esteem. You do not have to take that route.

Work on your goals every day. Do something in relation to your goal projects each & every day, even if it is to write it on your daily calendar. An example might be, "Today I am burning fat." These daily small actions help to program the subconscious mind for permanent change. I like to utilize the folder system mentioned earlier. Each goal has it's own folder with the goal description, action plan, action steps with deadlines & a grass-catcher list. At the beginning of each day I like to review each goal area & place action steps in my daily planner. I put aside an hour each morning for this work. Some people prefer to do it at the end of the previous day. Try both & see which your inner librarian prefers.

Make a list of any materials you may need. Often goals need materials. Focus on gathering these instead of the task. For example, if your goal is to get organized, you may need file folders, boxes, etc. Make this a very detailed list & also not where you will purchase or obtain these things & when. Write this on your calendar. If your goal needs materials at different stages, make note of these & place them in your action steps so you won't be derailed by not having what you need.

If in the past you had difficulty with this area of planning, go to the theater or workshop in your mind, see the project as completed, & notice all the materials you utilized sitting on the table before you. You might review the goal & table with your inner librarian or assistant. If we have a past experience that is not positive, it is important to illustrate to the subconscious mind that we do not want that same thing to happen again. The subconscious mind can not judge & doesn't know the difference between what we want & don't want, unless we make ourselves very clear.

Set the scene. Changes we choose to make need all sorts of planning. For example, if your goal is to stop smoking, make a list of things that must be done to get ready for this, such as throwing away all ashtrays, deodorizing the care, rugs, etc. Make written lists & set deadlines on your calendar. It is so important to emphasize that the power is in the planning, not only because of organization, but because of how the subconscious mind sees the project.

We have the ability to utilize the mind at much higher levels than we do, but in order to take advantage of this marvelous asset, we must know how to do it. Most people think of hypnosis as some sort of deep trance state, & while it can be utilized like that, there are many other ways for us to practice self-hypnosis & gain the benefits.
Plan rewards for yourself. While grand rewards are great, be certain to reward yourself daily for making important small changes. These can be as simple & as important as taking quiet time for yourself or packing a special lunch.

Always look for ways to treat yourself well. It is amazing how few people think in this way. If we treated our friends as we treat ourselves, we probably would be quite friendless. Take some time to think about yourself as a human being. What do you need? What do you like? What did you enjoy when you were little? Would you enjoy that now? Each day practice tuning into yourself & in that very moment see what you might need to make your life a little more pleasant. Perhaps it is as simple as standing up & moving around!

Review & update your plans frequently. As you focus more & more on your goals, new ideas & information will become known to you. Keep your plans fluid. I like to bring my goals to the inner librarian & assistants at least each week. We often meet in the library of my mind. That is where all my experiences are stored. There are lots of assets in those books that can be applied to the goals at hand. It is quite easy to do this work.

If you are interested in reading the archives from this blog, you can find them at the following link...

If you would like to read our blog based on our book, It's Time to Stop Nail Biting & Skin Picking - 4 Steps to Success - An Innovative Program for Adults & Children, here is the link...

Working Through Old Failures & Other Mind Blocks

For those who have requested is a book clip from thoughtWARE - 101 Inner Mind Programs for Designing, Planning & Reaching Your Goals

Book Clip - Working Through Old Failures & Other Roadblocks...

Learn to benefit from past failures. If you have failed at this particular goal before, you already know how to do that. You also have lots of information in your subconscious library that can be utilized for your success. It is important to make certain your inner librarian knows that you are not on the same failure track, so it is best to do this work in self-hypnosis.

You already know how easy it is to go into a trance state & contact your inner assistants. Ask the librarian for the past file relating to this goal. Now go ahead & review the file, making editing changes throughout. When you have completed this work give the edited file back to the inner librarian. Whenever you edit old files, the new version is placed in your subconscious mind. It is good to keep in mind those areas that didn't work so you don't have to repeat those again!

Your subconscious mind holds valuable information. If you have not practiced self-hypnosis, this would be a good time to learn this valuable mindbody tool. Hypnosis is deep relaxation in combination with imagery. As you look at past roadblocks with a quiet mindstate, ask yourself what is the "crux" of the matter. Notice you inner librarian is with you & ready to bring you the answers from your inner library shelves. Everything is there for your use. It has always been there, but many of the books are rather dusty from non-use! When you ask questions & work with your inner guides or librarian, information that was not available consciously will often be released, allowing you to move forward with less effort.

Notice to what categories the roadblocks belong. Most of us are "repeat performers." We each have certain thought patterns & emotional states that interfere with our going forward. Some familiar ones are fear of failure & fear of success. Go back into a light hypnotic state & take the road towards the goal you are working with. Notice your librarian or assistants are with you. Observe as they point out the roadblocks. You may be able to tell what they are about right in the moment, but not to worry if you don't. The actual interpretation of the block will become clear to you a bit later on. Be sure to give yourself some quiet time so the messages can come through.

Take full responsibility for past failures. In order to succeed we must be totally responsible for all past outcomes, whether they are positive or negative. This acknowledgement frees us to stay in self-responsibility where our power is actually enhanced. Go into a light trance & meet up with your inner guides & librarian. Go to the inner library & take some time to go through some of the books from different times in your life. Look especially for outcomes.

Notice if you don't want to see any outcome. At that moment you will notice one of your emotional states is present. All emotions are seen as children, about eight years old. Some are taller than others, but they are still children. Try to see what emotion has presented. Sometimes it is shame, guilt or fear. Calm the emotion & let it know that everyone makes mistakes, & that through looking at them with "gentle eyes" you will learn & be able to go forward. This is a good time to practice forgiveness, gratitude, as well as compassion for yourself & towards others.

Have a look at past excuses. What are the reasons you presented to yourself about past failures regarding your goals? They usually fall into specific categories. See if you can name some of these categories. A common one is "bad luck" or it was the fault of someone else, or even "life." It is not uncommon to label ourselves in some derogatory fashion. It is very important to become aware of these mechanisms, for they must change. No buts about it!

Ask the subconscious librarian to nudge you whenever the word "but" comes on your tongue, or some lame excuse is about to be uttered. These are seeds of failure, & certainly not fruitful. Instead, move into your self-responsible adult mode. This is where the prizes are located. Each time you take responsibility, you gain power. You also gain self-respect & self-esteem. Your self-image is elevated & the subconscious mind will supply you with new, helpful information.

Have a look at your motivation levels. Do you find it difficult to stay motivated? Are you a person who has lots of ideas, but falls prey to procrastination very early on? Remember, the more you become self-aware, the stronger your chances for success. Take some time to return to self-hypnosis & meet up with your inner librarian & guides. Go to the library & make a search of very early motivators. You will find them as far back as your baby crib. Notice how you motivated yourself in these early years. Now move up a few years & search those files. You will begin to find some very useful motivators before long.

Make some inner notes, or better still, have your librarian keep them for you. You will be handed the list before you leave. When working on your current goal, stay tuned to your motivation levels. When they begin to falter, bring up your inner list & simply review. The subconscious mind will extract from these & apply them to your current situation.

Become familiar with your most common low-level negative emotions. We mentioned these a bit earlier, but lets add to our knowledge in this area. Get to know these emotional states well because these are the ones who build barriers to your success. They tend to hang out in groups & play negative mind-talk games in your inner VCR. For example, suppose you are trying to lose weight. This negative group will happily show you pictures of all your past failures, letting you know you have never succeeded, so why should you be able to do so now? When you learn to work with these negative mind-state children, you will be able to discipline them, as well as educate them with new positive-mind books.

Become familiar with your most common low-level positive emotions. We all have positive mind-states. Unfortunately, we tend to go towards the negative or hard-liners. It is important to build awareness skills & to purposefully bring in your positive mind-states. This is not only important for goal enhancement, but also for your health. Negative mind-states produce killer stress chemicals. Positive mind-states produce healing chemicals. Since 60-90% of disease is stress-related, it certainly should be clear which emotions you want hanging around. We all have high level & low level emotional states. It is much easier to move from a low-level negative to a low-level positive. Take some time to practice this.

Keep an ear out for your inner mind-talk. We continually program ourselves through mind-talk all day long. Unfortunately most of the mind-talk is negative & programs for what we don't want. As you learn to stay more aware, you will find yourself moving effortlessly towards your goals instead of away from them. It is important to learn to observe your mind-talk, as well as the body communications that are connected to these inner messages. Make it a point to get better at this. The most successful people program this subconsciously.

Do a belief system check. Is your goal in keeping with your belief system? Sometimes we are functioning on old belief systems that no longer work for us. If you have earlier inner programs that are counter-productive, begin to notice their appearance & learn to diminish them. I suggested an audio program below that will assist you in locating these early programs. It is important to eradicate them from the early gardens. However, there many be some early programs that are useful, but need some nourishment. See if you can find these subconsciously. Ask your inner librarian to help you in this matter.

Experiential Self-Development Journaling

1. List three things you learned from this article that will help you personally or in your work.
2. What areas of your life are affected adversely by negative emotional visitors? How will you go about noticing them at lower levels?
3. What are some of your powerful positive emotional visitors? How will you remind yourself to bring them forward into more areas of your life?
4.What are some early belief systems that get in your way personally or at work?
5. What are some early belief systems that you would like to enhance in each area?

If you are interested in reading the archives from this blog, you can find them at the following link...

If you would like to read our blog based on our book, It's Time to Stop Nail Biting & Skin Picking - 4 Steps to Success - An Innovative Program for Adults & Children, here is the link...

If you are new to hypnosis, do know that anyone can work hypnotically. In actual fact, we tend to be in self-imposed hypnosis all day long. In therapeutic hypnosis, we work to de-hypnotize ourselves and then transcend into the mind-state and image of what we want, instead of what we don't want. If you haven't experienced this before, here are few complimentary mp3 downloads. Each is a full interactive self-hypnosis session & part of a complete 2-3 track series. Each are filled with active imagery & affirmations.
Managing Disorderly Eating

Locating & Retrieving Deep Down Resources

For those who have requested is a book clip from thoughtWARE - 101 Inner Mind Programs for Designing, Planning & Reaching Your Goals

Book Clip - Building Resources Hypnotically...

This series is taking you on a step by step adventure from choosing a goal to high level end goal results. If you have been working with the series you are already seeing changes happening all around you. Some have to do with the goals at hand, but other changes are subconscious mind spin-offs. This is how the mind works. Once we begin the wheels rolling, activity can be seen in all areas of our life.

I hope you are working with pen & journal, as well as goal folders. The better your inner & outer organization, the faster your goals will mature!

Your mind is your most powerful inner resource. It is important to learn to re-program your mind for what in you want & do make these programs in very great detail. Whatever you play in your mind becomes your goal. We tend to build negative programming in great detail & often share this with others that compounds it in the subconscious library. It is time to give that up & spend your energy in programming what you want. All details may not come forth at one time & often times we must cajole the subconscious librarian to send up the details. You can learn how to do this by listening to the Interactive Self-Hypnosis Workshop Audio Programs that are offered on my websites.

Your thoughts are valuable assets. Your thoughts seek more of the same. they are like radar or "servo-mechanisms." Take advantage of your positive goal-orientated thoughts, and they will bring you more information designed to guide you effortlessly towards your goal. For example, if you have decided to lose weight & see yourself as having been successful in your thought patterns, you will be more aware of ways to help you achieve this, such as great ideas for lower-fat or low-sugar recipes.

Your emotional states are valuable assets. All emotional states are highly charged & this energy can be harbored, as well as focused on the achievement of your goal. This is done through awareness meditative exercises & by imaging success pictures right in the moment. This is called Interactive Self-Hypnosis © & will speed you along you way towards your goals. You can benefit from all emotional states. In fact, your negative-based states are generally very "hot" & therefore, once transmuted can be applied to any goal with the same "heat."

Your stress levels are valuable assets. As you come to be aware of lower levels of stress & how to release it, you can transfer this available energy to your goal. If you focus on your goal during the actual releasing of a negative emotion, you will be attaching that energy to the goal, just as if the goal had a coat-hook & the released energy was a powerful coat.

Look to your past achievements, as well as failures to build resources. Simply relax & go back over your time-line, especially visiting any difficult periods You have power in your inner-bank account for each & every time you were successful in over-coming any obstacle or achieving any success. Your subconscious library is filled to the brim with powerful resources for you. Once located, they can be attached to any goal coat-hook.

Be aware of who supports you and who doesn't. Change can be threatening to others & even those who love us may not be as supportive as we expect. Keep your motivation high & be self-responsible for the choice of your goal. Your inner resolution & desire will make it occur. The higher the desire, the quicker the achievement. Keep your goal images hot!

Join a new support group. It is often helpful to be a part of a group with the same focus, but always make certain the group is positive & forward thinking. Some groups tend to stay in the problem & enjoy the re-hashing process. let your intuition be your guide & always remember, you are in charge of your own decisions & behaviors. becoming self-responsible is a valuable goal unto itself.

Learn to future pace. Just as a person can go back on the time-line & other resources, one can also go forward & place power in the future. This is called future-pacing. Simply relax deeply & see yourself at some time in the future already having your goal completed. See yourself relaxed, healthy & happy. Remember, the mind works backwards & this type of imagery engages the subconscious mind in helping you formulate an action plan to reach your goal.

Learn to be quiet about your goal. There is power in silence. For some reason, talkers have a higher percentage of failure when it comes to goal achievement. Simply set up your mind practice discipline & get on with your life as if you had already achieved all your goals. This is the secret to high level achievement.

Ask your goal for new ideas to build resources. All the information you will ever need is already present in your subconscious mind. Few of us access more than 2% of this. By utilizing original imagery you can glean very powerful information. Simply relax deeply & pretend you are having a conversation with your goal. Ask it to assist you in making it a success. Insist that it send you actual action plans to make this come true for you. Ask for the plans to very detailed & orderly. Do not be afraid to demand the cooperation of the goal & your subconscious mind. Remember that it ONLY acts in the face of high power emotion.

Experiential Self-Development

1. List three things you learned from this article that will help you personally or in your work.

2. What areas of your life are affected adversely by past thoughts? How will you go about noticing them at lower levels?

3. What are some of your powerful positive thoughts? How will you remind yourself to bring them forward into more areas of your life?

4. What are some failures that get in your way personally or at work?

5. What are some early achievements that you would like to apply to new areas?

If you are interested in reading the archives from this blog, you can find them at the following link...

If you would like to read our blog based on our book, It's Time to Stop Nail Biting & Skin Picking - 4 Steps to Success - An Innovative Program for Adults & Children, here is the link...

If you are new to hypnosis, do know that anyone can work hypnotically. In actual fact, we tend to be in self-imposed hypnosis all day long. In therapeutic hypnosis, we work to de-hypnotize ourselves and then transcend into the mind-state and image of what we want, instead of what we don't want. If you haven't experienced this before, here are few complimentary mp3 downloads. Each is a full interactive self-hypnosis session & part of a complete 2-3 track series. Each are filled with active imagery & affirmations.
Managing Disorderly Eating

Servicing Your Goal

For those who have requested is a book clip from thoughtWARE - 101 Inner Mind Programs for Designing, Planning & Reaching Your Goals

Book Clip - Goal Servicing....not unlike caring for your car...

This series is taking you on a step by step adventure from choosing a goal to high level end goal results. If you have been working with the series you are already seeing changes happening all around you. Some have to do with the goals at hand, but other changes are subconscious mind spin-offs. This is how the mind works. Once we begin the wheels rolling, activity can be seen in all areas of our life.

I hope you are working with pen & journal, as well as goal folders. The better your inner & outer organization, the faster your goals will mature!
Spend time with your goal, especially in the early days. Just like any other new endeavor, your goal needs your attention. It's a good idea to actually set a time in your daily planner to sit down with your journal, or other planning tools & review your progress. Interview the goal, asking feelings, emotions & advices to take you to completion with less efforting. If the goal has a "past failure file," spend some time reviewing it & editing it for success. Remember, you are the writer/producer/director of this goal & have full editing rights!

Learn what your goal needs on a daily basis. Obviously goals need different things. If you are changing your nutritional behaviours, you will need to plan your menus & make certain you have the needed foods available each & every day. If you are cutting back on alcohol & your work colleagues stop at the bar on the way home, you will need to work on how you will manage this, as well as putting these plans into your subconscious files with self-hypnosis.

Learn how to manage comments from others. Change always brings attention from others & not necessarily always positive. It is best to move past comments as quickly as possible. Try not to engage in long conversations about what you are doing & why you are doing it. Negativity is usually lurking around. Develop a mindset of a person who has had this new behavior for many years & it is old hat.

Keep your focus on yourself & your goals. Do not fall into the deadly trap of trying to change others, even if in your opinion they need changing. Once again, be quiet & mind your own business, even if you are cajoled & your ego is eager for the attention. Practice awareness meditation regularly. This will keep you in high level awareness & in position to change goal picture outcomes.

Spend time with your thought processes daily. Negative self-talk is destructive & will knock you off your goal path with one swift kick. Awareness meditative tools, interlaced with self-hypnosis will help you program your subconscious mind to wake you when your thoughts are not productive or self-full.

Practice self-discipline daily. No matter what your goal, the development of self-discipline is at the top of the list for all high achievers. It is also important to note, that when you become self-disciplined in other areas, this will enhance your abilities to stay on goal in any other area. When you are working with multiple goals, all will benefit from each other.

Practice stress management techniques daily. No matter what your goal, it is vitally important to have a good stress management program in place. Stress is responsible for 60-90% of disease processes, keeps the mind in a negative programming mode & away from goal success.

Practice high-level nutrition. No matter what your goal, the food & beverage you place in your body with either help or hinder you. All food & beverage act like drugs in the mindbody & it is important to stay in heightened awareness of how your body & mind respond to your intake.

Develop a balance in your life. Nothing is more important than living a balanced life. It is also an important factor in the management of stress. Listen to your body carefully & it will always indicate when you have fallen off the balance beam.

Keep a good sense of humor. This valuable asset is always available, ready to assist you in attaining your goal, as well as your health. You may also find you attract others of the same kind & that will benefit your environment.

Experiential Self-Development

1.List three things you learned from this article that will help you personally or in your work.

2.What areas of your life are affected adversely by past behaviors? How will you go about noticing them at lower levels?

3. What are some of your powerful positive behaviors? How will you remind yourself to bring them forward into more areas of your life?

4.What are some negative behaviors that get in your way personally or at work?

5.What are some positive behaviors that you would like to apply to new areas?

If you would like to read our blog based on our book, It's Time to Stop Nail Biting & Skin Picking - 4 Steps to Success - An Innovative Program for Adults & Children, here is the link...

If you are new to hypnosis, do know that anyone can work hypnotically. In actual fact, we tend to be in self-imposed hypnosis all day long. In therapeutic hypnosis, we work to de-hypnotize ourselves and then transcend into the mind-state and image of what we want, instead of what we don't want. If you haven't experienced this before, here are few complimentary mp3 downloads. Each is a full interactive self-hypnosis session & part of a complete 2-3 track series. Each are filled with active imagery & affirmations.
Managing Disorderly Eating